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Fairfield Primary


Extra Curricular School Clubs

We offer an extensive programme of extra curricular school clubs that are delivered at different times throughout the school year. A list of clubs on offer this term can be seen below.


Clubs generally run from 3:15 to 4:00/4:15pm. The exact time will be confirmed within the letters of interest that are sent out when organising each club.


As outdoor activities are dependent on the weather, we sometimes need to cancel these at short notice. If we do we will inform you with as much notice as possible


The teacher in charge of each after-school club will inform the children if they have been successful in gaining a place in their club. Spaces are limited for clubs.  If more children are interested than spaces available, a reserve list will be made.


If a child is successful in joining an after-school club they are expected to show loyalty by remaining in the club for the rest of the term. If for any reason they are unable to attend their club, they must inform one of the adults in charge.

Clubs taking place this half term (Autumn Term 2)







Netball Yr5 and Yr6 3:15 - 4:15 (Last Session 4th December)

 Engineer Academy Yr3 and Yr4 3:15 - 4:15 (Last Session 28th November) 


Yoga Yr3 3:15 - 4:00 (Last Session 14th December)


 Craft Club Yr2 3:15 - 4:00 (Last Session 11th December)

Art and Craft Yr3 and Yr4 3:15 - 4:00 (Last Session19th December)


 Sketchbooks and Crafting Yr4 3:15 - 4:00 (Last Session7th December)


Glee Club Y4 3:15-4:00 (Last Session18th December)

Textile Club Y5 3:15-4:00 (Last Session 12th December)


Running Club Y6 3:15-4:00 (Last Session14th December)


Craft Club Yr6 3:15-4:00 (Last Session18th December)

Speed Stacking Y5 3:15-4:15 (Last Session 12th December)


School Newspaper Y2 3:10-4:00 (Last Session14th December)


Girls Sports Club Y6 3:15-4:00 (Last Session18th December)

Drama Club Y6 3:15-4:00 (Last Session 23st January)


Christmas Film Club Y5 3:15-4:15 (Last Session 14th December)


Choir All KS2 3:15-4:15 (Last Session March 2024)

Dance Yr1 and Yr2 3:15-4:00 (Last Session19th December)




Kindness and Wellbeing Y1 3:15-4:00 (Last Session 11th December)






Intra School Competition dates/Ideas



Year Group



Mini Sports Day

Year 1

Gymnastic routines

Year 2

Gymnastic routines

Year 3

Dance judged by KE

Year 4



Year 5



Year 6

Dance judged by KE


Information on some of our clubs past and/or present

Board Games Club Year 1  

Board Games Fun is currently being delivered to Year 1 and 2 children. The aim of this club is to give children the opportunity to develop their social and communication skills through turn taking, sharing and discussing ways to play the games. The children are able to develop new friendships and their self - confidence in small groups and then apply this during their learning in the classroom and everyday life. 

Football League Club


Forest Schools

Monday evenings 3:15-4:15pm

Fairfield Signing Choir working alongside The Liverpool Signing Choir (TLSC).  The priority of the choir is to promote Deaf awareness and break down any barriers that may exist by translating lyrics of songs and performing them through the beauty of sign language. 

Anti-Bullying Project performance at The Liverpool Anglican Cathedral.

Ball Skills
Our French cookery club runs on Mondays after school during the last half term of the year for our Year 6 children. We follow French recipes and make a range of delicious French food including galettes de sarasin, madeleine cakes and galette des rois.

Football Club

Year 6 Boys September - October 2022

Year 5/6 Girls November - December 2022


Year 3 September - October 2022

Year 4 November - December 2022

Year 2 January - February 2023

Year 4 march 2023

Fundamental Games

Year 2 September - October 2022

Tag Rugby

Year 5 September - October 2022

Computing Committee and Club

Mixed Year Groups November - December 2022

Years 1 and 2 January - February 2023

In this club the computing committee will: learn how to look after the school's IT equipment, both in their classes and communally; practice their coding skills by both playing coding games and programming robots; expand their digital literacy skills but using cameras to document the technology around school and explore digital music apps on the schools iPads. 

Years 3 and 4 March - May 2023

In this club the computing committee will: learn how to look after the school's IT equipment, both in their classes and communally; practice their coding skills by both playing coding games and programming robots; expand their digital literacy skills but using cameras to document the technology around school and explore digital music apps on the schools iPads. 

Ball Skills

Year 1 November - December 2022

Forest School

Year 6 November - December 2022

Our Forest School club is the opportunity for children to explore the forest area and take part in the activities they would’ve taken part in with their class teacher as well as a range of different activities such as den building, fairy fires and making S’mores. Also as part of Forest School Club we encourage team work and the pupils managing their own risk and understanding how we take part in an activity safely. We also promote the social skills by providing pupils the opportunity to interact with children they wouldn’t do on a weekly basis.

Year 4 March 2023

Our Forest School club is the opportunity for children to explore the forest area and take part in the activities they would’ve taken part in with their class teacher as well as a range of different activities such as den building, fairy fires and making S’mores. Also as part of Forest School Club we encourage team work and the pupils managing their own risk and understanding how we take part in an activity safely. We also promote the social skills by providing pupils the opportunity to interact with children they wouldn’t do on a weekly basis.

Dance Club

Year 5 January - February 2023



Year 3 January - February 2023

Our Basketball Club is being delivered to Year 3 currently and it focuses on developing the key skills required to play basketball such as passing, shooting, teamwork and defending. The club also aims to provide a better understanding of the rules of Basketball which they can apply during their weekly PE lessons. 

3PG March 2023

Our Basketball Club is being delivered to Year 3 currently and it focuses on developing the key skills required to play basketball such as passing, shooting, teamwork and defending. The club also aims to provide a better understanding of the rules of Basketball which they can apply during their weekly PE lessons. 




Year 1 January - February 2023

Choir Club

Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 January - March 2023 

Our Year 6 choir is an opportunity for children to get together and sing a variety of songs of different genres. As well as having fun singing, our children develop their musical and performing skills. Before Christmas, we were invited to sing Christmas carols at a local residential home which was thoroughly enjoyed by all concerned.

More recently, our choir performed on stage at the Cronton Playhouse in front of an audience of family and friends. This performance included children from other primary schools in Halton as part of HPAN, the Halton Primary Arts Network.

Year 3 Year 4 and Year 5 Performing Choir - Autumn and Spring Term

COHS Performing Choir – Spring Term

Fairfield Choirs – Summer Term


Our Performing Choirs Clubs are an opportunity for Fairfield children to express their musical creativity, in a fun and relaxed environment. It allows them to develop their musical and vocal skills in order to improve their confidence whilst performing in front of the general public and their school community. Participating in the Fairfield school choirs is an opportunity for our children to make new friends, enjoy a variety of musical genres, sign alongside other schools in the Halton region and explore their passion for music.

Bench Ball

Year 2 March 2023

Our Benchball Club is currently being delivered to Year 2. This is a new club for this year group with the aim of providing them with the opportunity to learn a new sport as well as developing skills which they would require in other sports such as throwing, catching and teamwork skills.


Glee Club

Year 4 March 2023

Creative Writing

Netball Club

Year 5 March 2023

Cross - Country Club

Year 5 March 2023

Our Cross Country Club looks to promote increasing the pupil’s overall fitness levels as well as building their resilience. Often we will take the children to the local park and provide them the opportunity to move around the park at their own pace and aim to inspire the pupils to continue to increase their own overall fitness outside of school.

Debate Club

Our Debate Club is an opportunity for children to express their feelings and ideas in a professional and polite way. It allows them to develop their communication skills and improve their confidence in public speaking. Competing in a debate club is an opportunity for the children to make new friends, accept different opinions and put their own opinions forward in a polite and respectful manner. We meet regularly throughout the school year to debate different topics.

Recently, we visited Farnworth CE Primary School to take part in a debate on whether children should have to wear school uniform or not. This debate included children from various primary schools throughout Halton.