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Fairfield Primary



Telephone | 0151 424 0123

Use this number to report your child's absence or speak to the School Office if you have any queries.


We have a school app where letters and details of events will be provided. You can also report your child's absence through this app. For further details on how to access the app please contact the school office.

or via Twitter | School Twitter account

For any queries please contact:

School Office

Telephone:  0151 424 0123

E:Mail: sec@fairfieldprimary.halton.sch.uk

If you require paper copies of any information from the school website, please contact the school office who will be happy to assist.

Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO):

Rebecca Murphy 0151 424 0123

E:Mail:  sec@fairfieldprimary.halton.sch.uk
