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Fairfield Primary

Governing Body

On behalf of the Governing Board of Fairfield Primary School, I would like to extend a warm welcome to our school to all stakeholders including pupils, parents, families, teachers, staff and our local community.

Our Governing Board is comprised of school staff, parents and members of the local community who all volunteer their time, skills and expertise in this role. It is my privilege as chair to provide governors with a clear lead and direction, ensuring that the governors work as an effective team and understand their accountability and the part they play in the strategic leadership of the school and in driving school improvement.

The core focus of governors is to:

1. Ensure there is clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.

2. Hold executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils and the performance management of staff.

3. Oversee the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.

4. Ensure the voices of stakeholders are heard.

Governors visit school regularly and formal activities are carried out at termly meetings with the schools senior leadership team. We all strive to ensure that Fairfield Primary School offers an enjoyable, supportive and safe learning environment for our children and we are immensely proud of the commitment and work of the school in this respect.

If you wish to discuss any matters relating to the governance of the school, please do not hesitate to contact me via the school office. However if you have any questions regarding the day-to-day operational management of the school, then please contact the school office who will direct your query to the most appropriate person. 

All governors have voting rights.

Paul Busow

Chair of Governors


Governor Impact Statement 2023Structure and ResponsibilityGovernor Pen PortraitsAttendance Register 2023-2024Attendance Register 2022 - 2023Attendance Register 2021-2022Attendance Register 2020-21

Governors Action Plan 2022/23