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Fairfield Primary


Our Head Teacher's Welcome
A very warm welcome to Fairfield Primary School Website where our aim is to provide our parents and carers with an insight into the life of our School and the work that our staff and governors provide to enable the best possible education of your children. 

Fairfield Primary School is a happy and popular school that provides a caring, nurturing and stimulating environment in which children feel safe and secure while they learn. The ethos of our school is to ensure that children feel valued and respected and so enjoy school life in a comfortable and friendly atmosphere where good friendships and memories are formed.

Our curriculum offers rich and memorable learning experiences that motivate and inspire our children to become independent and confident learners. We constantly strive to achieve excellence in all aspects of school life and reach standards of which our children are rightly proud.

We greatly value the partnership we hold with our parents and school community and seek to encourage parents to visit our school and our website to find out more about the experiences and opportunities we provide. By working closely with parents, we look forward to sustaining the highest possible standards of learning, thinking and behaviour, within a climate of openness, sharing and trust. 

Vicky Pierce

Head Teacher