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Fairfield Primary


 The Art of Being Brilliant is an approach that we follow in school to help children develop their emotional intelligence. It aims to raise the level of happiness, confidence and resilience of every child; embedding positivity and a sense of personal responsibility into school and home life.


    Some research has been carried out that indicated that only about 2 % of the population respond positively to situations and bounce back from setbacks. The Art of Brilliance team call these 2%ers. The rest, the 98%, the Art of Brilliance Team call ‘mood hoovers,’ as they can suck up or drain the positive energy around them by moaning and groaning. The Art of Brilliance team is a way of embedding positive thinking and positive self-talk from an early age. Its aims are for the children to realise:


    1. That they can choose to be positive in situations.
    2. That they can take personal responsibility for their thoughts, actions, behaviour and their learning (e.g. they motivate themselves rather than be motivated by teachers and parents).
    3. That they can have a positive impact (or negative) on those around them.
    4. That if they choose to, they can bounce back from setbacks and view mistakes as positive learning experiences. They can develop resilience.
    5. That random acts of kindness can make themselves, the school and home happier places.
    6. That everyone is good at something and we feel happy if we do what we are good at. We can all ‘play to our strengths’.
    7. That if they set themselves goals taking small steps will help them achieve them. Children do what we do more than they do what we say. So if you want them to be positive, resilient, happy and kind then you could model the behaviour and may be use some of the language of The Art of Being Brilliant.
    8. Some phrases you might like to use depending on the situation could be :
    9. How can you help at home?
    • Well done you are being a 2%er.
    • Are you being a 2 % er? (This empowers the child to find the answer for themselves)
    • What would a 2%er do? ( This gives the child opportunity to develop problem solving skills rather than being told what to do)
    • Know your impact. (This asks the child to think about the positive or negative impact their words and actions have on those around them.)
    • Are you choosing to be positive?
    • Well done, you’ve done a random act of kindness.
    • Come on, can you show some resilience?
    • Well, done, you are really good at ….For further information:
    • Everyone is good at something. We all have strengths. Sometimes as parents, we can focus on what a child needs to get better at, such as spelling or handwriting, forgetting that they can be great at something and that should be celebrated and developed too. So if your child is good at baking, may be spend some time in the kitchen with them baking. If they are good at drawing, may be they could draw pictures and make cards for people?
    • Google Andy Cope (who founded ‘Art of Brilliance’ in 2004) or watch him on You Tube.
    • Visit the Website: artofbrilliance.co.uk
    • Watch The Pig of Happiness on You Tube to find out about ‘knowing your impact’ and leaking out happiness. One of the Super seven points of The Art of Being Brilliant is ‘ know your impact ‘. If you watch The Pig of happiness on you tube you will see the pig decide to leak out happiness. We want to leak out happiness at Fairfield and at home. We can do this by smiling at people, asking them how they are, being kind to others (not just our friends), by sharing and by doing acts of kindness such as helping out at home. We can have a positive effect on others depending on what we say or do, or we can have a negative one. It’s down to us.
    • Know your impact

One of the Super seven points of The Art of Being Brilliant is ‘ know your impact ‘. If you watch The Pig of happiness on you tube you will see the pig decide to leak out happiness. We want to leak out happiness at Fairfield and at home. We can do this by smiling at people, asking them how they are, being kind to others (not just our friends), by sharing and by doing acts of kindness such as helping out at home. We can have a positive effect on others depending on what we say or do, or we can have a negative one. It’s down to us.