Home Learning
What does Home Learning look like in each year group?
Remote Learning PlanGuide to Home Learning in EYFS Guide to Home Learning in Year 1 Guide to Home Learning in Year 2 Guide to Home Learning in Year 3 Guide to Home Learning in Year 4 Guide to Home Learning in Year 5 Guide to Home Learning in Year 6
Key letters and information
Microsoft Teams Letter 25 09 20 ink to Google Play to download Microsoft Teams Link to Download Microsoft Team desktop and or mobile Link to login to Teams online
Update Letter from Fairfield Primary School Wednesday 10th June
Click here to access our COVID-19 Home School Agreement Update Letter from Fairfield Primary School Tuesday 19th May 2020 (PDF version)
Please print out the letter above and return it to the school or via email at sec.fairfieldprimary@halton.gov.uk
An editable version of the letter (Word version) can be found below where your dates, times and child's name can be added. Update Letter from Fairfield Primary School Tuesday 19th May 2020 (Word version)
The key dates and times of care provision for children of Critical Key Workers can also be completed via the school app. Look for forms button at the bottom of the front screen.
Letter from Fairfield Primary School re: Reopening of schools from JUNE 2020
Letter from Halton Borough Council 14th May 2020 PLEASE READ
We hope you enjoy the video below from all of our staff to all of the Fairfield Families. Stay safe and we hope to see you all soon.
Garage Band Yrs 3 to 6 Additional Music Lockdown Activity
Please find below, links to two additional Garage Band tutorials by John Oates for you to use n conjunction with the updated guide sheet which now covers the tutorials for Y3 – Y6
Garage Band: Year 5 https://youtu.be/cr_JMVUYEm4
Garage Band Year 6: https://youtu.be/cLaw236M4bs
The National Academy The sector-led Oak National Academy has today launched its online classroom and resource hub. The Academy offers 180 video lessons each week for schools to use, across a broad range of subjects. The lessons cover children in Reception through to Year 10 and are free to use by both teachers and young people.
For specific Year Group Timetables, activities, information and learning opportunities click your year group blue button below.
COVID-19 Letters
COVID-19 ( WEEK 6 & 7 CRITICAL KEY WORKER CARE REQUIREMENTS- 27th April to 7th May 2020) Use to add response and then email to sec.fairfieldprimary@halton.gov.uk Easter Parent Care Letter (Use to add response and then email to sec.fairfieldprimary@halton.gov.uk ) Easter Parent Care Letter (PDF version of above letter)
COVID-19 Letter 20th March 2020 (1) Letter from Halton to Parents re: COVID-19 PLEASE READ COVID-19 Letter Sent Home 19th March 2020
In addition to the above we have been provided with access to a series of educational sites. Use the links and instructions below:
Latest Additions from top to bottom of the page.
Online safety at home from thinkuknow Weekly home learning packs.
Department for Education Website Links The DfE have brought together an initial list of online educational resources to help children to learn at home. We have already created links to a lot of the suggested sites, however, by clicking on the green link above you can see the full list of activities and websites available for pupils of all ages.
Knowsley Safari Experience Click on the green link here to access a wide range of study packs, videos and images to help with learning all about the wonderful animals within Knowsley Safari Park.
Need some support teaching Maths at home? Click on the green button for a wide range of activities, games and teaching tips for Maths at home.
Young Enterprise This Teacher Toolkit is designed to give you access to a range of Young Enterprise and Young Money resources suitable for use with children and young people as part of their home-learning. There are some resources suitable for all ages, and others specifically for primary or secondary and post-16.
WWF Join us on your YouTube channel this week for some creative - and educational - live learning events! Last week we launched our #LearnToLoveNature campaign, which provides inspiring and enriching content for families and young people to access and use independently from home.
FSC In light of school closures FSC wants to be able to support teachers and parents while continuing to promote outdoor learning for children.We understand this is a challenging time and have therefore created some simple activities which children can do at home, to help them learn while also having fun. We hope that you find them useful. Please feel free to share them with your pupils' parents and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
White Rose Maths As schools worldwide close for now in response to COVID-19, you might be wondering how best to help your child or children with their studies at home. Always happy to help, the White Rose Maths Team has prepared a series of five maths lessons for each year group from Year 1-8. We will be adding five more each week for the next few weeks. Every lesson comes with a short video showing you clearly and simply how to help your child to complete the activity successfully.
The Maths Factor Learn Maths from Carol Vorderman
IDL Login International Dyslexia Learning. If your child uses IDL in school already then clicking on the blue button will direct them to the login page required.
PhonicsPlay A free username and login is available following the link on the blue button above. However, if you are accessing it via a tablet or phone please use the following link:
Tablet or Phone PhonicsPlay PhonicsPlay is a site filled with interactive phonics games to help children learn and hear phonemes, recognise graphemes and develop the blending and segmenting skills that are vital for learning to read and spell.
BrainPop Username: See text and app message Password: See text and app message.
BrainPop covers a wide range of subjects including Science, English, Maths, Art and Music. Activities are based on ages from Reception up to End of Key Stage 2. These can be found in BrainPop, BrainPop Junior and BrainPop ELL all of which can be accessed through using the username and password sent home via the app and as a text message after clicking on the above blue button.
Espresso Username: See text and app message Password: See text and app message
Espresso provides an online learning service that covers all Primary School ages and curriculum areas. Through learning activities, news articles, games and more children can learn about their current topics and revise previously learnt areas from across the curriculum. Espresso can be accessed through using the above username and password after clicking on the above blue button.
Oxford Reading Buddy Each child within Years 2, 3, 4 and 5 have their own login details provided by their class teacher. Oxford Reading Buddy gives every child a virtual reading service that develops deeper comprehension skills and makes reading fun! Click on the blue button above to be sent to the Oxford Reading Buddy log in page.
Tynker Explanation
Step 1: Click on the blue button above. Step 2: Provide your email address and create a password. Step 3: Enter this code - CVDTWINKLHELPS
Manga High For Usernames and Passwords for each year group see text and app message
Manga High consists of over 700 engaging activities to boost student understanding cover a wide range of curriculum areas. Exciting game-based learning. Make a note of your year group log in details, then click on the blue button above to be sent to the log in page.
Seterra Geography Website full of Geographical Quizzes from around the world.
A series of exciting and varied science lessons for children of all ages (and parents) to explore. Just click on the blue button above to be directed to the Mystery Science website.
10 Science Experiments to try at least once!
Do you remember summer holidays spent making baking soda volcanoes, flower petal perfume and homemade ice cream? If not, do you wish you did? This collection of 10 science experiments every child should try at least once would be great fun to work through.
25 Fun Maths Activities and Games
25 different maths games for children that you can play at home to help you support your child with their learning outside of school.
French Home Learning Listen to and practice key French Vocabulary with this interactive Powerpoint.
Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems Mo Willems invites YOU into his studio every day for his LUNCH DOODLE. Learners worldwide can draw, doodle and explore new ways of writing by visiting Mo’s studio virtually once a day for the next few weeks. Grab some paper and pencils, pens, or crayons and join Mo to explore ways of writing and making together.
New episodes will be posted each weekday.
Non-Screen activities you can do at home Pobble have created a series of activities that can be done at home that don't involve the use of a screen. Although there are so many fantastic resources online, children require a break from the screen throughout the day. How many of these ideas are you able to complete. Why not share your results on our twitter pages? Click on the blue link above to see Pobble's suggestions.
PE Home Learning Have a look through the document found by clicking on the blue button above. It provides ideas on how to get the children moving whilst at home. Why not try "For half an hour every day choose 4 exercises off the exercise sheet and complete them for 30 seconds each for 3 rounds or choose a Joe Wickes Children's Workout on YouTube." Good Luck!
Literacy Company
At Fairfield we have been using The Literacy Company plans and resources to support our Curriculum coverage. They have provided a range of resources for free which can be accessed below by clicking on the blue buttons. More are due to be added over the coming weeks.
EYFS Literacy at Home EYFS Phonics and Spelling Phonics and Spelling Yr1 Year 1 Literacy at Home Phonics and Spelling Yr2 Year 2 Literacy at Home Spellings Yr3 and Yr4 Spelling Yr5 and Yr6 Year 3 Literacy at Home Year 4 Literacy at Home Year 5 Literacy at HomeYear 6 Literacy at Home
Support your children's learning with short, free and easy to use tasks. Develop their confidence and understanding across all areas of the curriculum. Free to use video tutorials are available to support both teaching and learning and make mathematical concepts more accessible for everyone. Click on the blue button above to reach their homepage where you can select a year groups, curriculum area or assessment.
BBC Bitesize Click on the link within the blue button for access to a wide range of EYFS, KS1 and KS2 resources covering topics across the curriculum.
Blocky Games Games for tomorrow's learners. Programming activities for across the school.
Primary Art Skills All of these resources have been designed by Primary Art Skills and are completely free to download and use in your setting. All we ask is that you add your contact details so we can make sure that you are the first to know as and when new resources are uploaded.
The Philosophy Man The Philosophy Man provides resources for teachers, parents and children each week. Click on the blue link above for a P4C Brainsqueezer which will include sticky questions, a stimulus story and details of Alien Adventures.
Seek by inaturalist Use the power of image recognition technology to identify the plants and animals all around you. Earn badges for seeing different types of birds, amphibians, plants, and fungi and participate in monthly observation challenges with Our Planet on Netflix. Link to the app and google store via the blue button above.