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Fairfield Primary


‘Personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education is an important and necessary part of all pupils’ education. It can improve the physical and psychosocial well-being of pupils and  is a planned programme ofschool-based learning opportunities and experiences that deal with the real life issues children and young people face as they grow up.’
The Department for Education.



At Fairfield Primary School, it is our intent to provide all children with a broad and balanced curriculum that aims to assist children and young people to prepare for adult life by supporting them through their physical, emotional and moral development, and helping them to understand themselves, respect others, form and sustain healthy relationships.

This will be implemented by creating a programme of study that is bespoke to our school and all our children. The two main core themes of our PSHE programme of study focuses on Relationships Education and Health Education. A third core theme, Living in the Wider World is also an integral aspect of our curriculum.      



At Fairfield, PSHE education is taught in discrete lessons, supported by other learning opportunities across the curriculum, including the use of enhancement days where possible. We follow Coram Life Education to teach our discrete lessons, which takes a three strand approach addressing children’s knowledge, skills and attitudes, and the programmes are aligned with the National Curriculum (Citizenship, PSHE Education), covering EYFS, key stage 1 and key stage 2. Our teachers provide learning opportunities matched to the individual needs of all children including those with special educational needs and disabilities. PSHE is taught inclusively to all children regardless of their race, religion and gender, whilst at the same time addressing the need for equal opportunity.

The PSHE curriculum is in line with the single equality duty policy. Staff will ensure that no judgement will be passed on the lifestyles and choices made by others. If a safeguarding issue is raised, staff are required to follow the correct safeguarding procedure and safeguarding policy.



PSHE education gives pupils the knowledge, skills, and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe and to prepare them for life and work in modern Britain. Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education is a school subject through which pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives, now and in the future.


We strive to ensure that by the end of their time with us at Fairfield each child will:

  • Recognise and apply the British Values
    •             Be able to recognise, understand and manage their own emotions
    •             Understand who they can rely on and ask for support.
    •             Look after their own mental health and ask for support where necessary.
    •             Be on their way to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
  • Recognise differences and have an understanding of diversity.
    •             Apply learnt skills in real life situations
    •             Demonstrate self-confidence and self-esteem.
    •             Have developed and maintained healthy relationships with peers and adults.
    •             Understand the physical aspects involved in the teaching of RSE at the level appropriate to them as an individual.
    •             Show respect to themselves and others.


Relationships and Sex Education (SRE)

The Relationships Education, RSE, and Health Education (England) Regulations 2021 have made Relationships Education compulsory in all primary schools.

There are four main aims of teaching RSE:

  • To enable children to understand and respect their bodies
  • To help children develop positive and healthy relationships appropriate to their age and development
  • To support children to have positive self-esteem and body image
  • To empower them to be safe and safeguarded.

Each year group will be taught appropriate to their age and developmental stage. At no point will a child be taught something that is inappropriate; and if a question from a child arises and the teacher feels it would be inappropriate to answer, (for example, because of its mature or explicit nature), this information with be shared with you by your child’s class teacher. The question will not be answered to the child or class if it is outside the remit of that year group’s programme.


PSHE and SRE Lead: Emma Griffiths


DFE Statutory Mapping and ProgressionDFE Frequently Asked QuestionsRSE Primary School Guide for ParentsScarf - SRE MappingPSHE Curriculum Coverage

PSHE Policy



SMSC is an integral part of Personal Development and it plays a significant part the ability for a child to learn. achieve, personal growth and become an individual with integrity and appreciation of others and the world.

At Fairfield Primary School SMSC is fully woven into all areas of the curriculum and we aim for children to :

  • Explore their own beliefs and value beliefs of others
  • Develop spiritual awareness
  • Have high standards of personal and moral Behaviours
  • Develop an appreciation of social and cultural traditions

overview of smsc at fairfield primary school 2023 1 .pdf



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