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Fairfield Primary

Mental Health and Wellbeing Recovery Post Covid

Fairfield Primary School    


The Department for Education have asked schools to prepare for all pupils to return full-time from the start of the autumn term, including those in nursery. They have set out their expectations but this will be reviewed and updated regularly.

All schools have been asked to address and support mental health for children, especially when taking into consideration the impact that Covid 19 has had on children and their families. Most children have not had access to a school setting for a prolonged period of time and this will have many implications for many children in various ways.

Mental Health and Well Being Plan

Mental Health and Well Being Support expectations:

  • Mental Health and Well Being, where needed, will be high quality and align as closely as possible with in-school learning.
  • The autumn term curriculum has been written and planned to focus on the academic and emotional needs of the children. It will re-establish good progress in the essentials (phonics and reading, increasing vocabulary, writing and mathematics) with opportunities across foundation subjects to read widely, and developing the children’s knowledge and vocabulary. The children will be taught a full range of subjects over the year, including sciences, humanities, the arts, physical education/sport, religious education and relationships and health education. The whole school will explore the same topic for the first three weeks of the Autumn first term which will be ‘Hopes and Dreams’.
  • When planning in class support, teachers will be mindful of the many different needs and emotional wellbeing of the children and how best to support anybody who needs support to regulate their feelings and emotions.
  • The school will provide Mental Health and Well Being support at different tiers of need: Whole class, TA led nurture support, ELSA nurture support, or 1:1 nurture support e.g. daily check in.
  • For those children will particular longer term needs, there will be a KS1, KS2 and Year 6 Nurture group daily.

A range of resources to support schools in delivering Mental Health is available:

The DfE published guidance and training and practical materials for primary and secondary schools to use to train staff about teaching mental wellbeing. This is supplementary to the statutory guidance for SRE which became compulsory from September 2020:


Relationships and sex education (RSE) and health education (taken from https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/relationships-education-relationships-and-sex-education-rse-and-health-education)

The new curriculum will be compulsory from September 2020. Schools should start teaching from that date if they meet the statutory requirements. If they are not ready, or are unable to meet the requirements, they should begin teaching by at least the start of the summer term 2021.

Within the training, it sets out addressing possible impacts of Covid-19 and details how teachers should ensure pupils have opportunities to:

  • develop coping skills and self-care techniques
  • talk about their experiences during the outbreak
  • have one-to-one conversations with trusted adults, if needed
  • learn about topics related to coronavirus (e.g. how to stay alert)
  • renew and develop friendships and peer groups
  • take part in other enriching developmental activities

School has updated their safeguarding procedures and policy in line with this guidance. Please refer to Safeguarding Policy September 2020 for further details.








Levels of support across school from September 2020

Whole School Level of Support



By When

Whole school focus of ‘Hopes and Dreams’ planning to support positive mind-set and goals for focusing on the future.

 Class Teachers and supported by Teaching Assistants  and SLT

3rd -18th September 2020


Magic Breakfast available – bagels in classrooms at the start of the day to support keeping healthy and a readiness to learn.

 FSW, TAs and class teachers

Autumn Term 2020

Whole class focus on wellbeing, mindfulness and emotional regulation as part of PSHE led recovery curriculum. All classes to have access to forest schools and the Imaginarium to support and enhance learning. Worry box and worry monster in class for individual worries and concerns.

 Class teachers and Teaching Assistants supported by Rebecca Murphy and SLT



Autumn term 2020

The Art of Being Brilliant: Focus on positive ways to support own regulation and wellbeing of the children and staff across the school. Refocus, remind and promote being a ‘2%er’

Record positive gossip on CPOMS and share with the children and parents (via stickers home)

All staff across school

Autumn term and ongoing

Class Level / Small Group level of Support



By When

Class teachers are aware and address any significant needs of specific children through support, techniques, resources and differentiation to support emotional well-being. Information shared about specific children who have struggled or suffered a significant loss during lockdown.


Class teachers, Teaching assistants, FSW, SLT

Autumn Term and ongoing

Small TA led intervention nurture  group for children x2 per week

Planned by Class teacher with TA to address specific areas of need

Ongoing – different children and needs addressed across the year to support MHWB

6 week blocks beginning 21st Sept.

Reviewed every 6 weeks

Specific/ Individual Level of Support



By When

EYFS, KS1 and KS2 ELSA led intervention groups

ELSA led groups of children identified by RM and planned with RM supporting

21st September  onwards

Reviewed each half term

Ks1 and Ks2 Nurture group established, Squirrels’ Ks2 is a group of 9 identified needs from across the stage 9-12 daily and Robins ks1 1-2.30 daily. Transitions back to class will be managed and supported and strategies. Nurture room set up and risk assessment completed.

SEMH and Learning plans developed to support needs on an individual basis and shared with all stakeholders including progress.

Paula Goulding, Amy Middlemass. Pupils identified by RM and tracked termly. RM to support with planning and delivery

To begin 21st Sept 2020. Reviewed termly and impacted measured.

Year 6 Nurture group The Foxes- focusing on SEMH support whilst giving daily access to the core curriculum subjects 9-12 daily. New nurture base ‘The Den’ set up, resourced and risk assessment in place.

SEMH and Learning plans developed to support needs on an individual basis and shared with all stakeholders including progress.

Alex Maunder, Emma Jones and supported by RM.

Sept 2020. Reviewed termly and impact measured.

Facilitate 1:1 support for any pupils facing significant ongoing needs to support SEMH including supporting any recommendations from CAMHS. Liaise with FSW and relevant outside agencies.

RM, FSW, Class Teachers, ELSAs

Sept 2020 – ongoing reviews on a needs basis but at least once a term.

Children and family support workers to support children and families with any ongoing needs that may arise and support in school with any  plans that are drawn up in liaison with other professionals under Halton Levels of Need. FSW can advise families of access and agencies that may help to support them.  Information will be shared in accordance with the school safeguarding policy.

Magic breakfast will be used to support those children and families who may benefit from this the most to support attendance and punctuality.

Lesley Feakes, Angela Paget, Rebecca Murphy and class teachers.

On gong needs basis and as advised by contact and referral team.






  • Pupils will be able to access a high quality, broad and balanced curriculum which supports SEMH across school in all key stages
  • Pupil’s will receive group or individualised support where needed to support SEMH
  • The school will promote the positive outlook and thinking through the Art of being brilliant in all classes
  • Parents/carers will be supported and informed on an ongoing basis, both formal and informal via class teachers, FSW, ELSAs TAs or SLT


Please Note :

  • Needs will vary on an ongoing basis and support will be adapted as and when possible to meet the needs of our children
  • Training and advice will be ongoing and communicated to staff to ensure that they are able to support pupils who have varies SEMH needs
  • Mental Health, supporting wellbeing and a positive mindset was a value of the school pre-Covid19 and continues to be one of our priorities in school
  • School will work collaboratively with parents, carers and other agencies to meet the varying needs of all children
  • Ongoing concerns will be recorded and tracked via CPOMs


 Mental Health and Wellbeing Award nomination


mental health wellbeing award nomination power point 2020 1 .pdf