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Fairfield Primary

               Our School Council

 “Participation is defined as actively involving children and young people in decision making processes that affect their lives and their communities, including schools. Participation means giving children and young people as many opportunities as possible to express their opinions, decision takers listening to what they say and whenever possible acting on what they hear. Where it is not possible to incorporate all that is said by children and young people then clear explanations should be provided”

An effective School Council is one whose views and opinions are given weight and consideration and that acts as an agent for change in the school through participation.

Fairfield School Council consists of a group of 15 pupils from Year 2-Year 6 who are elected by their peers to represent their views on whole school issues and put forward ideas from their classes.  The School Council meets half-termly, with 1 link teacher present (Miss Maunder). They also share ideas and decisions from School Council with their classes, lead assemblies and meet with staff, parents, governors and other interested parties. Decisions made within School Council can, and do, have a real impact on the rest of our School.

Everyone has a job on the School Council because we think it’s important that the children run it and are fully involved in it. The roles and responsibilities are:

Chairperson: Chairs the meeting

Vice Chairperson: Supports chairing the meeting with the chair.

Secretary: Writes minutes in the meeting, photocopies and hands out information as agendas and minutes to all School Council children

Treasurer: Logs any funds

 Our School Councillors 2023-2024

School Council Policy    


 School Council Meeting Minutes