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Fairfield Primary

Welcome to Year 1

Our classes and teachers in Year 1 are:

Teacher: Teacher: Teacher:
Miss Stewart Miss Wilson Mrs Chamberlain
Year 1 Timetable Year 1 Timetable Year 1 Timetable


Year 1 Curriculum Map 





 Our Teaching Assistants are:

 Mrs Ryan and Miss Meakin

2023/ 2024

Learning outcomes for Year 1

In Year One, we expect and support children to develop more independence. This is encouraged through ‘The Art of Being Brilliant’. This will build the character of each unique child and support them to be emotionally resilient, develop grit, be able to learn with determination and never give up.

We develop life skills of being kind, thoughtful, helpful, confident, assertive and resilient.

We have an amazing interactive learning environment called
the Imaginarium.

We have an excellent, resource rich learning environment including the classrooms and conservatory, which is set up for vibrant and fun continuous provision. We have an amazing interactive learning environment called the Imaginarium and also numerous well-resourced outdoor areas.

We strive to ignite children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, building their capacity to learn, form relationships and thrive.

We have lots of opportunities to learn through exciting topics, engaging WOW starters, stories and visits.

We teach all children to learn and apply the basic skills of phonics, reading, writing and maths to develop a love of language, reading and writing and of successfully solving problems.



PE will be on Tuesday’s and Thursday.

Please ensure that your child comes to school in their PE kits on these days.

Link to School Uniform Page

Reading books

The children receive new reading books each week.

Reading books will be sent home on a Friday and must be returned to school no later than the following Tuesday please.


Homework will be a phonics and maths focus.

Homework is issued on a Friday and should be returned before the following Wednesday. We have a tick chart for homework in class.

Useful Information

Year 1 Welcome Parent Booklet Term 1English Knowledge Mat Autumn Term 1Expectations as a learnerYear 1 Phonics Screening  CheckYear 1 Phonics Screening Check Letter to ParentsPhonics Web support Oxford OwlNumber Formation Mantra

2%er of the week

The 2%er will take home the class teddy on a Friday, to be returned the following Monday.

Class Bears – This is an example bear letter from one class.