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Fairfield Primary

Welcome to Year 6

Welcome to our Year 6 Classes

Our classes and teachers in Year 6 are:

Teacher: Teacher: Teacher:
Mrs Ashton Miss Sheridan Mrs C Davies
Rivendell Timetable Lothlorien Timetable Eriador Timetable


Year 6 Curriculum Map 




 Our Teaching Assistants are:

Miss Knowles | Mrs Bratt


For 2023 / 2024


In Year 6 we love to learn through an exciting curriculum that builds on prior knowledge and skills, creates independent and enthusiastic learners and build resilience as they prepare for their transition to Year 7.

Through our excellent resources such as the Imaginarium, nature area, our brand new stimulating learning environments and dedicated staff, we aim to make the children’s learning stimulating and inspiring.

We prepare children to adapt to new situations and build on their existing skills on building relationships ready for the wider world.

Through our Learning Challenge Curriculum, we provide the children with a range of opportunities to learn through investigations, play, group work, visitors and trips.

As a team with our parents, families and children, we hope to instill a love of learning in our pupils in order to achieve their true potential and be successful in their primary school career. Through the Art of Being Brilliant, we support children in being a positive role model for peers and members of our school community.



Children to come into school in their PE kits on Mondays and Tuesday.

Reading books

The children receive new reading books frequently and will be given challenging, stimulating and inspiring texts to read in reading sessions in school.

Children should be reading a variety of genres and text types as often as possible so that they are widening their awareness and experience of different authors and poets.

There is an expectation that children log in to their Bug Club accounts online at least twice per week (log in details will be sent home).

This year, we are also giving the children a class text. The children should read the chapters that they have been asked to read so that they can participate in Guided Reading lessons the next day. They will need to catch up at playtime if they don’t do the set reading.


Helping your child to read at home

Please take time each night to listen to your child read their book from school (and any other books they may like to read!), this will really boost their confidence and reading skills and is a lovely way of spending calm, quality time together after a busy day.


Here are some useful websites to help you
support your child’s reading at home:





Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar


Spelling lists are given each week on Fridays to learn at home in preparation for their spelling quiz the following Friday.

Please encourage your child to not only learn how to spell the word but to learn the definition and how they would use it in a sentence.

Here are some useful websites to support your child’s learning of spelling and grammar at home:










In Year 6 it is vital that the children know all of their times tables up to 12x12 and that they are able to recall individual times tables when needed.

It is an important skill as so many other areas of maths relies on this knowledge e.g. fractions. Children should be revising their skills as often as possible and they can use fun, interactive games in order to do this.

There is an expectation that the children will log in to their Times Table Rockstars account online as often as possible (log in details will be sent home).








Covers a range of subjects




Children will be given 3 homework books (Reading, Maths and SPaG). These will be taken home each Monday for the children to complete the relevant pages and return the books for the following Monday.


Year 6 Welcome Parent Booklet 2023-24

Information for parents about end of Key Stage 2 assessments Information for Parents re SATs